The bronze slotted spearhead from the Belarusian Bug region.
bronze slotted spearhead, the Belarusian Bug region, Trzciniec cultural circle, the North Black Sea region, the Middle Dnieper region, communication routesAbstract
The spearhead was occasionally detected in 2008 on the territory of modern Brest city, in the outlet of the river Mukhavets (the right tributary of the Western Bug). It was handed over to Brest Regional Museum of Local History. The find was detected within a considerable distance to the north-west from the major distribution regions – the Middle and Lower Dnieper region as well as forest-steppe and steppe territories to the east of the Dnieper. Considering the combination of morphological elements, it is assumed that the most probable period of the spearhead’s production was late II millennium BC. The Brest find is similar by its peculiar form to the spearheads from Kozyntsi and Hoholiv – the sites located in Kiev region. In this case, it is possible that the region of origin for the Brest find is the Middle Dnieper region. Taking into account the assumed production period, the spearhead could probably arise among the Trzciniec population. As a rare and valuable weapons item, it could have traveled from the Middle Dnieper region to the Belarusian Bug region.References
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